Johan Vromans <> wrote:

> is translated into
>   d:m5
> and apparently not understood -- lilypond renders it as a major D chord
> without warning.

The code in does, indeed, generate :m5 for minor.

Surprisingly, the NR, A.2 Common chord modifiers, reads:

  Major   Major third, perfect fifth   5 or nothing   c1:5   notes: c g
  Minor   Minor third, perfect fifth   m or m5        c1:m   notes: c ees g

Despite the examples showing otherwise, this could easily be interpreted to
mean that c is the same as c:5, and that c1:m is the same as c:m. However,
the trailing '5' makes a power chord (no 3rd). In the case of minor the
distinction with the major chord is lost.

I really wonder if it is intentional behaviour for musicxml2ly to use m5
for minor.
Same goes for :5 (for major), :aug5, :dim5, :dim5m7, and :maj5m5.

-- Johan

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