Hi Joel,

it looks like this hasn’t been answered yet. I can’t reproduce the bug on Ubuntu, but could you make a minimal example <http://lilypond.org/tiny-examples.html> and report on the bug list? There was recent development in that field, so it would be perfect if you could narrow down around which version the problem first occurred.

Best, Simon

On 28.08.2016 17:52, Joel C. Salomon wrote:
Compiling the attached file yields errors of the sort

programming error: asked to compute volume at +1.000000 for dynamic span of 
duration 1.000000 starting at 1
continuing, cross fingers
If I replace the construct

     << { \voiceOne
         a1 |
     } \new Voice { \voiceTwo
         a,1 |
     } >> \oneVoice |


     << {a1} \\ {a,1} >>

this error goes away.

Can someone please explain what I’m doing wrong here?

—Joel C. Salomon

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