(Second try; my earlier attempt seems to have gotten lost at the post
office. I’ve taken the opportunity to learn more, but my questions
still hold, so here goes.)

Here’s the relevant parts of my code trying to replicate the attached score:

    \version "2.19"

    \score {
        <>^\markup \center-align \small \italic "Silence."

        \tempo "Largo."
        \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #LEFT
        \mark \markup \smaller "“PETER DRAGS WENDY ETC.”"
        d'2. e'4 |
      \layout {}

Two points:

• Is there any way to get the “Silence.” mark to appear above the
fermata mark rather than beneath it? The obvious

    d'1~^\markup \column { \center-align \small \italic "Silence." \fermata }

puts the fermata centered over the left edge of the note head (as is
the “Silence.” mark) rather than over the center of the head; while
overriding `TextScript.outside-staff-priority` seems to have no effect
here at all.

(Interestingly, the 2.19 documentation seems no longer to include the
snippet “Centering markup on note heads automatically”,
Did something relevant change in development?)

• Is there a way to get the section titles (“Peter Drags Wendy on to
Rock”, and others like it) to move horizontally out of the way of the
tempo indicators rather than riding atop the tempo indicators (or, if
coded as `<>^\markup "…"`, pushing the tempo indicator up vertically)?

(Is there a more idiomatic way of coding these titles?)

—Joel C. Salomon
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