
I am learning how to write bagpipe tunes with Lilypond. Bagpipe tunes
are usually in parts with a partial measure at the start and end of
each part. In order to avoid the warnings about use of "\partial"
within the body of the score I am trying to use "\set
Timing.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment -3/8)". My problem is that
this command seems to disrupt the automatic beaming: the half measure
before the command is always printed as individual notes. In the
attached fragment the first one and a half measures are correctly
beamed but then the last half bar has no beaming. What am I doing

Roddy Mackenzie
\version "2.16.2"

\include "bagpipe.ly"
\layout {
  indent = 0.0\cm
  \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" }

  \time 2/4
  % First part
  \bar "|:"
  \partial 8 e8
  \grg a16. \grd a32 \gre a16. \grd b32     \grg b32 \grd a16. \grg b32 d16.
  \grg e16. a32 \grg a32 \grd a16.          \grg b16. e32 \gra e32 g16.

  \set Timing.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment -3/8)
  \grg a4                                   \wbirl a8  \bar ":|:"
  % Second part
  \dblg g8


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