> The issue occurs when writing closely spaced chords with an
> augmentation dot in the rhythm. Dots are placed only on spaces
> (which we should expect), but in certain very easy to reproduce
> conditions, the dot appears in an unexpected place.

Cf. `regression/chord-dots.ly'; this is controlled by the
`chord-dots-limit' property.

However, you have found a bug I think, since it doesn't seem to work
correctly for your case, eliminating dots on the wrong side of the

\version "2.17.16"

\header {
  texidoc =
"The column of dots on a chord is limited to the height
of the chord plus @code{chord-dots-limit} staff-positions."

\layout{ ragged-right = ##t }

\paper { indent = 0 }

\new Staff \with {
  \omit TimeSignature }
\transpose c c' {
  <>^"chord-dots-limit not set"
    { <g a b c' d' e'>4. r8 <c' d' e' f' g' a' b'>4. r8 } \\
    { f4.. r16 <c d e f g a b>4.. r16 }

    { < g c d e f>2. r4 } \\
    { < bes dis e fis >4. r8 r2 }


  \override Staff.DotColumn.chord-dots-limit = #1
  <>^"chord-dots-limit = 1"
    { <g a b c' d' e'>4. r8 <c' d' e' f' g' a' b'>4. r8 } \\
    { f4.. r16 <c d e f g a b>4.. r16 }

    { < g c d e f>2. r4 } \\
    { < bes dis e fis >4. r8 r2 }


  \override Staff.DotColumn.chord-dots-limit = #0
  <>^"chord-dots-limit = 0"
    { <g a b c' d' e'>4. r8 <c' d' e' f' g' a' b'>4. r8 } \\
    { f4.. r16 <c d e f g a b>4.. r16 }

    { < g c d e f>2. r4 } \\
    { < bes dis e fis >4. r8 r2 }


  \override Staff.DotColumn.chord-dots-limit = #-1
  <>^"chord-dots-limit = -1"
    { <g a b c' d' e'>4. r8 <c' d' e' f' g' a' b'>4. r8 } \\
    { f4.. r16 <c d e f g a b>4.. r16 }

    { < g c d e f>2. r4 } \\
    { < bes dis e fis >4. r8 r2 }
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