Am 21.09.2016 um 19:18 schrieb Carl Sorensen:
> On 9/21/16 10:22 AM, "Urs Liska" <> wrote:
>>      The other thing I came across is the specification of the
>>        inflection *point*. Basically the idea of specifying independent
>>        X and Y ratios between the slur's endpoints seems practical, as
>>        it is pretty predictable. But I realized that this only works
>>        well when the endpoints are sufficiently different on the
>>        Y-scale. If the slur is horizontal then *any* inflection will
>>        necessarily be on that same horizontal line! So I need a
>>        suggestion what could be a suitable, predictable *and*
>>        un-limited approach to specifying this.
> I think that you could use the X fraction as the X coordinate of the
> inflection point.  And you could use a Y offset (in staff spaces from the
> starting point) as the Y coordinate of the inflection point.  It seems
> that should be relatively easy to implement.

Implementing that is easy, of course. What I'm thinking about mostly is
the predictability of the results when anything changes, for example the
Y coordinate of either point.

What would you think of using a staff-space offset for Y (as per your
suggestion) but apply it to the vertical center between the two
endpoints? That way the whole slur should somewhat shift together with
changed Y of an end point.

Would it be acceptable to have a pair? as an argument when the two
elements *do* refer to X and Y but with completely different behaviour?
Or should that then be separated to two individual properties?


> Thanks,
> Carl

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