Sorry, just saw that I accidentally attached your original file. Now again with the modified version…

On 25.09.2016 14:24, Simon Albrecht wrote:
On 25.09.2016 13:34, B~M wrote:
Dear All, I would like to add an up bow symbol to the
middle of a tie between two notes. The file seg.pdf is a snippet
of the problem. In the second tie I would like to place a V to denote
up bow. However, the up bow and down bow symbols are attached
to notes in the lilypond file.

Technically speaking, this is only a problem of the input syntax: the bowing symbols are input as post-events, which are attached to a note or chord, but that chord can be an empty chord – a handy construct in many situations.

Is there some way I can arbitrarily place a V over the tie with x y co-ordinates?

Even better, you can place it at the exact (or approximate) time when the bow change should happen, using a music function. Here’s an example with dynamic indications:

\version "2.18.2"

% Thanks to David Kastrup for the inspiration!
after =
#(define-music-function (parser location t e m) (ly:duration? ly:music? ly:music?)
     \context Bottom <<
       { \skip $t <> -\tweak extra-spacing-width #empty-interval $e }

{ \after 4 \< \after 2 \> \after 2. \! c'1 }

\after 4 \<
‘start a crescendo after a quarter note duration’.

The same can be done with the bowing instructions – I attach a modified file, where the change happens in the middle of a note.

Note that I didn’t make or test it for version 2.14 – that’s quite ancient and you should really update (at least) to 2.18.2, the current stable version.

Also a small note on your abbreviations: As long as you don’t want to include any tweaks or other refinements like
DB = -\tweak font-size 3 \downbow
I’d advise you to keep with the LilyPond default syntax here. Honestly, \downbow isn’t that many characters, and for sharing code or code highlighting in an editor it’s advantageous to stay with the standard.

HTH, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

\version "2.18.2"
% Thanks to David Kastrup for the inspiration!
after =
#(define-music-function (parser location t e m) (ly:duration? ly:music? ly:music?)
     \context Bottom <<
       { \skip $t <> -\tweak extra-spacing-width #empty-interval $e }

DB = \downbow
UB = \upbow

\score {
  \relative c' {
    \key c \major
    \time 6/8
    \clef alto
    % measure 26
    % measure 27
    e'2.-2~\DB\startTrillSpan fis
    % measure 28
    \after 4. -\tweak outside-staff-priority 1000 \UB e2.~
    % measure 29
    % measure 30
    e2.~\DB\startTrillSpan  f!
    % measure 31
    % measure 32
    \bar "||"
  } % end relative block
} % end score

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