Urs Liska wrote Sunday, September 25, 2016 8:51 PM
> Am 25. September 2016 19:41:33 MESZ, schrieb Simon Albrecht 
> <simon.albre...@mail.de>:
>>On 25.09.2016 19:29, Simon Albrecht wrote:
>>> is it just me or does \tuplet get 3/2 as first argument >90% of the
>>> And, assuming that it’s not just me, should we introduce an extra 
>>> command \triplet to save typing & clutter, especially where triple
>>> duple segments constantly alternate?
>>I mean, implementation and even convert-ly rule would be a no-brainer.
>>And I think this is a good bit of syntactic sugar.
>>While a convert-ly rule would of course be totally unnecessary. Still, 
>>why not?
> I like the idea.
> But wouldn't it be possible to instead make the fraction optional and default 
> it to 3/2?
> Wouldn't need a convert-ly rule either.

When needed, isn't this adequate?

\version "2.19.48"
triplet = \tuplet 3/2 \etc
\triplet { a'4 a' a' }

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