Jacques Bedaux <j.bed...@ziggo.nl> writes:

> Hi all
> I have a problem with lyrics in a voice that splits in two parts for
> only one or two measures, so you don't want to make two different
> voices. Lilypond gets confused and skips a part of the music.
> Who could solve this problem for me?
> Thanks in advance,
> Jacques
> My minimum example is:
> \version "2.18.2"
> text = \lyricmode { This is nice This is nice }
> musicOne = \relative c' {
>   e4 f g2 e4 <<{f8( a)  c2}\\{f,4 g2}>>
>   }
> musicTwo = \relative c' {
>   c4 d e2 c4 d e2
> }
> \score{
>   \new StaffGroup <<
>     \new Staff <<
>       \new Voice ="one" { \musicOne }
>     >>
>     \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" { \text }
>     \new Staff <<
>       \new Voice ="two" { \musicTwo }
>     >>
>     \new Lyrics \lyricsto "two" { \text }
>   >>
> }

You can get this to work by just replacing every occurence of "one" with
"1" (including quote marks).  The reason is that << ... \\ ... >> uses
the voices "1" and "2", and in that manner, your \lyricto "1" will still
have one reference to cling while the voices are split.

I am not sure that the \voiceOne settings will be both heeded as well as
reverted by this construct: too lazy to try.

David Kastrup

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