hi all,

I think I've found a possible solution by using \bookpart anyway. I've
separated the content even more and put the \score in original_file in a
variable \Music. Then I make a second file with an include of the
original_file.ly, naming it original_file_score.ly and by adding \Music I
have a standalone score.

In the master-document I do this:

\include "original_file.ly"
\paper {
\paper {
    system-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 1) (padding . 2))

and that seems to work, for this larger file

Sadly enough including original_file_score.ly within the bookpart does not
work. It throws errors saying it can't find other files, included in the
original file.

This does make it quite complicated because i also have very short etudes
by Sagreras (one line for an etude), hence my reluctance to use \bookpart.

I could do this:

\include "sagreras_EtudeA.ly"
\include "sagreras_EdudeB.ly"
\include "sagreras_EdudeC.ly"


but obviously I can't use same variable name each time.

If the include would have worked inside the \bookpart block, like this:

include "sagreras_EtudeA.ly"
\include "sagreras_EdudeB.ly"
\include "sagreras_EdudeC.ly"

it could have worked.
Lilypond reads top down anyway, the variable \Music would have been
redefined by the next include.

In other words, I'm still open for suggestions :-)


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2016-10-07 14:45 GMT+02:00 bart deruyter <bart.deruy...@gmail.com>:

> Hi all,
> back to my book of etudes, I've encountered an issue with vertical
> spacing.
> The standalone .ly file renders the score perfectly well on one page,
> without a pagecount setting, I even increased the system-system-spacing in
> the paper block, to spread it more evenly over the page.
> The margins are set to 2.5
> When included in the, let's call it 'master-file', the score is split over
> two pages, with a big amount of whitespace. The margins in the master file
> are even set lower, to 2.
> There is a \pageBreak before the include, to be sure it starts at a new
> page, and there is a \pageBreak after the include, to make sure the next
> etude starts on the following page. Switching it to \pageTurn has no effect
> at all.
> Like this:
> \pageBreak
> \tocItem
> \markup {F. Carulli - \italic {Opus 333 - Etude 7}}
> \include "../Carulli/Carulli - opus 333 etude 7.ly"
> \pageBreak
> I find a lot of explanation about within system spacing, and setting
> spacing in the \paper block.
> In this case the vertical spacing is a system-system spacing and changing
> it in the \paper block has no use, because when included it is overridden
> by the 'master-file'.
> Using a 'bookpart' is not my favorite, because it limits the use of the
> standalone .ly files that are to be included. I've got several other pieces
> and wrapping them in bookparts would create way too much whitespace for
> each individual piece.
> Any ideas on how to control vertical spacing more accurately, more
> precisely, for a specific included file in a master-document?
> thx,
> Bart
> http://www.bartart3d.be/
> On Twitter <https://twitter.com/Bart_Issimo>
> On Identi.ca <http://identi.ca/bartart3d>
> On Google+ <https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/116379400376517483499/>
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