Here's my final solution to indicate before a staff the tuning of an instrument :

\relative c {
\override Staff.TimeSignature  #'transparent = ##t          %no time signature
\tiny                                     % tiny font size
\clef F
\override Stem #'transparent = ##t              %noteheads only
<c, f c' f a d>4                                % the tuning
\normalsize                               % return to normal size.
\bar "||"


Thanks for those who have given me precious advices !

PS : to make it really "authentic", I'd like to have a tiny clef before the chord, and 
return after
the || to a normal clef : how can I do ?

----- Réacheminé par Jean-marc LEGRAND/CRS/FR/RM/Corp le 04/11/2004 15:39 -----
                      Jean-marc LEGRAND                                
                                               Pour :   graham percival <[EMAIL 
                      04/11/2004 09:09         cc :     Jean-marc LEGRAND <[EMAIL 
                                               Objet :  Réf. : Re: 
discordatura(Document link: Jean-marc LEGRAND)

Thanks for your trick : it does work.
But I still have a problem. TYhis is what I wrote :

\clef F
\relative c {
\override Stem #'transparent = ##t
<c, f c' f a d>4
\override Stem #'transparent = ##f
\override Key #'transparent = ##f
\bar "||"

\key d \minor
\clef F
\relative c {

And I'd like a tiny F clef before the chord, and a noirmal one after the \bar "||".
I cannot find the property linked to the clef, and I don't know how to force a clef in 
the staff.
Con you help me again ?

                      Graham Percival                                  
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        Pour :    Jean-marc LEGRAND <[EMAIL 
                      >                        cc :      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                               Objet :   Re: discordatura
                      03/11/2004 08:08                                 

On 2-Nov-04, at 12:23 AM, Jean-marc LEGRAND wrote:
> I'm typesetting a piece from Tobias Humes' Musical Humors for the
> viol. Some pieces are tuned "as
> the Bandora", which means that the common way to tune a viol has to be
> changed. In the classical way
> , the special tuning is indicated before the first "clef", as a chord
> of blacks noteheads (without
> notebar). How can I reproduce that in my score, please ?

I do it this way (for viola):

\clef alto
\relative c {
\override Stem #'transparent = ##t
<b g' d' a'>4
\override Stem #'transparent = ##f
\bar "||"

\relative c' {  main piece }

This doesn't place the tuning before the clef, key, and time
signatures, but you
could mimic that by hiding those items and putting them later.  It
seems more
work that it's worth, though -- this notation is (IMO) clear enough.

- Graham

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