> Forgive me if this is a too-easy issue for the list, but: is there a way
> to define a time compound time signature such as 4/4 + 1/3?  That is,
> the measure is four quarter notes long plus one triplet eighth note.

Hi Tobin,

this is definitely a valid question for this list!
This snippet will help you, I guess:

However the additional 1/3 is the length of a triplet half note:
1/3 = 1/2 * 2/3

\version "2.19.36"

\relative c' {
  \compoundMeter #'((4 4) (1 3))
  a4 a a a \tuplet 3/2 { a2 | a a }

For a 4/4 measure plus a triplet 8th note, you would need 1/12 if I am
not mistaken:

\relative c' {
  \compoundMeter #'((4 4) (1 12))
  a4 a a a \tuplet 3/2 { a8 | a a }


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