Hi Ming,


We have been through this before, I am sorry to say. You write lilypond code in 
a way that compiles, yes, but it is pathological in the extreme, to put it 
mildly. You set each and every bar as a variable, and when there are several 
voices, introduce new parallel voices in every bar. As an example for the 
others, this is what you do:


lft.46 = { <<{g2 f2}\\{d1}>> |}

lft.47 = { <<{r4 ef4~ <ef g>2}\\{g,1}>> |}

lft.48 = \lft.47

lft.49 = { <<{r4 f4~ <f a>2}\\{a,1}>> |}

lft.50 = { <<{r4 e!4 g2}\\{a,2. 4}>> |}

lft.51 = { <<{r4 <f'a'>2.}\\{<d d'>1}>> |}

lft.52 = { <<{r4 <f'a'>2.}\\{cs'1}>> |}

lft.53 = { <<{r4 <f'a'>2.}\\{c'!1}>> |}

lft.54 = { <<{r4 <f'a'>2.}\\{b1}>> |}

lft.55 = { <<{r4 a4~ <a d'f'>2}\\{d1}>> |}

lft.56 = { <<{r4 c4 a2}\\{f,1}>> |}

lft.57 = { <<{r4 g2.}\\{c1}>> |}



There is no earthly reason for doing this, and I have no idea where you got 
this idea from. The problem with being idiosyncratic and uniquely individual in 
programming is that it makes it very hard nad needlessly time consuming for 
other people to help you, having to wade through all this non standard 
weirdness. I am not surprised the error keeps shifting around. We had the same 
thing last time if you care to consult your notes. I imagine lilypond sees all 
these needless constructs, and because they are just strange and nobody codes 
like that, latent obscure bugs are triggered with out of resource type errors, 
or who knows what, because nobody would test code that looks like this.


Everybody here is prepared to give their time and skill to helping out the 
community, but I am afraid you will have to learn to code in a more normal 
style for piano and SATB with several voices. Do you lack examples? I am sure 
we can find you some.


I am sorry if this sounds harsh. It not intended to be a personal criticism nor 
is it an attack, it’s just that a) if you write normal scores I am sure your 
continual issues will evaporate and b) we can really only help when your scores 
are of a more normal form. I hope you understand. I also need to write this 
email to deter others in the future from coming up with strange solutions such 
as the way you encode your work.





From: MING TSANG [mailto:tsan...@rogers.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, 1 November 2016 10:22 PM
To: Andrew Bernard <andrew.bern...@gmail.com>
Cc: Lilypond-usermailinglist <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Subject: Re: Exited with return code -1073741819.



Here is the .ly file.


I did further compile, now the error appear on left piano bar 54.


Thank you for your help.





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