David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:

> "Br. Samuel Springuel" <rpspring...@gmail.com> writes:
>> I'd default the flag to the old behavior while the new one is being
>> worked on and then default it to the new behavior once a stable state
>> has been reached.
> I don't see that "the new one" will be worked on for any significant
> amount of time.  The change is not involved.  Its implications aren't.

Its implications _are_.  What an awful "typo" to make.

> Without a rather good track record of convert-ly on LilyPond's code
> base, this change is not going to go through.  Most convert-ly rules are
> "robust" in that you can run them multiple times and only the first
> application will cause a change.  Also the syntax without convert-ly run
> tends to be bad, causing errors.
> Neither will be the case here, so that is going to end up a bit of a
> support headache for a while.  On the plus side, \\ is rarely used for
> more than two voices, or if it is, the voice settings tend to get
> overridden manually.  In which case a conversion does not need to do
> much.  I think that a convert-ly rule should likely not change the order
> of entered voices but should just add a command for "flipping the flag"
> instead if more than two \\-separated voices are detected without
> explicit voice setting commands.

David Kastrup

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