Here's some more data:

There appears to be an incompatibility in the meaning of the
envirnoment variable LILYPONDPREFIX between and
lilypond.  I have lilypond installed in the directory
/usr/local/coop/share/lilypond.  In order to get lilypond to work from
the command line, I found that I need to say

export LILYPONDPREFIX=/usr/local/coop/share/lilypond/2.2.6

However, this was not liked by, as sourceing it
just produced

Setting tree to

(with nothing else).

However, when I do

export LILYPONDPREFIX=/usr/local/coop

then sourceing it produces

Setting tree to /usr/local/coop/share/lilypond/

which then has xdvi produce good stuff, with the braces for the piano
staff and the dynamic markings.  However, when I now try to run
lilypond from the command line I get:

  File "/usr/local/coop/i686/bin/lilypond", line 102, in ?
    import lilylib as ly
ImportError: No module named lilylib

So, This incompatibility must be fixed.  Incidentally, I still can't
get the emacs mode to successfully run lilypond.  I must do it from
the command line :-(.
Victor S. Miller     | " ... Meanwhile, those of us who can compute can hardly
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    | be expected to keep writing papers saying 'I can do the
CCR, Princeton, NJ   | following useless calculation in 2 seconds', and indeed
    08540 USA        | what editor would publish them?"  -- Oliver Atkin

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