What about something like:

nonsf = #(make-dynamic-script
                (markup #:normal-text #:italic "(non "
                        #:dynamic "sf"
                        #:normal-text #:italic ")"))

On 03/11/2016 23:37, David Sumbler wrote:
> Well, it's proving tricky to me, anyway.
> I have a note which needs to have "pizz." printed above it, and "(non
> sf)" below.
> The code below, of course, puts both markings with their left edges
> aligned with the note.
>       \version "2.19.48"
>       \language "english"
>       nonsf = \markup { \larger \italic "(non " \dynamic sf \larger \italic 
> ")" }
>       pizz = \markup { \larger \italic "pizz." }
>       { e'_\nonsf^\pizz }
> That positioning of "pizz." is fine, but I want the "non sf" marking to
> be centred under the note.
> If I use
> \once \override TextScript.self-alignment-X = #0
> then both markings move to the left, as I expected.  So I conclude that
> what I want has to be done with a 'tweak'.
> Unfortunately, try as I might, I can't seem to get the syntax right to
> achieve this - I always get a lot of errors and warnings.
> Can it be done, and if so how?
> David
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