Am 04.11.2016 um 01:36 schrieb mclaren:
> A meter of 7/sqr(71) simply means that that there are 7 eighth notes each of
> which has duration of square root of 71 = 1/8.426149 of a whole note,
> whereas a standard eighth note has duration of 1/8 of a whole note. 
> Therefore each eighth note in 7/sqr(71) meter has a duration of 8.426149/8 =
> 1.053268 of a regular eighth note. We use a rational approximation program
> to get a rational fraction which approximates this value to within one part
> in a billion, close enough.
> The problem comes from Lilypond's bizarre assumption that at some point all
> the barlines in the score will line up. In this case, clearly the barlines
> in the 7/sqr(71) staff will never line up with any of the other barlines in
> the score. Therefore Lilypond can't ever break the page. 
> That's a) insane, b) stupid, c) unmusical, d) all three (take your pick). No
> matter where I place bar checks and page breaks, Lilypond absolutely
> posistively 100% utterly totally refuses to break the page.

What you are describing is none of your suggestions a) to c), at best
you could label it a limitation.
LilyPond assumes that a line break happens at a single point in time
through all staves of a system. This is a totally reasonable assumption,
and when you have musical reasons to override this it is the case of an
extreme exception. That LilyPond doesn't support this may be considered
a limitation, but as mentioned in my other reply I doubt that any other
notation software (except maybe SCORE that more or less does *not* have
any notion of musical structure) will get you even close to what
LilyPond does.

"The problem comes from Lilypond's bizarre assumption that at some point
all the barlines in the score will line up". This indicates that you
don't really understand what you're doing - which isn't a fault in
itself but doesn't really match your tone.
LilyPond doesn't require all the barlines to align in order to be able
to break a line, it only requires an arbitrary *moment* to align. If you
have such a moment you can break lines, and the manual tells you how to
achieve that.


tmp/frescobaldi-aXfsgv/tmpe9t0hz/ <0>: warning:
barcheck failed at: 6515/211928

{ c8 d f e b c d16 f

| e8 b c d16 f e8 b c16 d }

This clearly indicates that you have a timing error *within a single
voice*, which obviously stems from the fact that 800/898 don't match
735/713. One measure is 0,890868597 whole notes long and seven eight
notes stretched by 735/413 equal 0,921610169 whole notes.
Your seven notes in that measures (and you'd have this in all the
following measures if you'd applied barchecks as should be the minimal
safety net in such complicated cases) simply don't match the length of
your measure.

As long as you haven't sorted this out it doesn't make sense to discuss
the issue of line breaking.
So please get your maths straight before ranting about LilyPond's sanity.


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