Hello Peter,


Welcome to lilypond. It's a great tool. With all software, there's a
learning curve. Don't be put off. The list members will generally help you
out - it's a very good community online.


Lilypond is essentially a command line application. There are various front
ends. Many people are very happy with Frescobaldi, which I use with great
success. Frescobaldi is a separate program to lilypond.


I am also a Mac user. Your OS versions are not only old, but no longer even
supported by Apple. Is there any practical reason preventing you from
upgrading? Is you hardware also too old to upgrade? You would certainly
benefit from the new mac OS if not in terms of features but in terms of
current support.


Lilypond, coming from a UNIX heritage, works very well  indeed in a Linux
environment. There is a lot to be said for running Linux in a virtual
machine with VirtualBox on the mac and running lilypond in a Linux VM.





From: lilypond-user
[mailto:lilypond-user-bounces+andrew.bernard=gmail....@gnu.org] On Behalf Of
Peter Lavetti
Sent: Saturday, 5 November 2016 11:55 AM
To: lilypond-user@gnu.org; #lilyp...@irc.freenode.net
Subject: need help




I know very little about html codes and computer text editing, but I like
the look of LilyPond scores.


1. What application do you recommend - Frescobaldi or Denemo ?

(at http://lilypond.org/easier-editing.html)


2. What version do you recommend I download for MAC OS 10.6.8 and 10.4.6 ?


Thanks for the help,



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