On Nov 6, 2004, at 8:25 PM, D Josiah Boothby wrote:

Benjamin Esham wrote:

I'm trying to engrave a quarter note with a half note (i.e., empty) head. I'm
guessing I have to play with the style property of NoteHead; however, the
manual doesn't give any indication of what kinds of values this property can
be changed to. What do I need to set style to in order to obtain a half note head?

I'm sure you can do it that way, it might be easier to do something like this:


which draws a half note, but gives it the metric value of a quarter note.

That worked great-- I never would have thought of it. Thanks!

Benjamin D. Esham      {      http://bdesham.net
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      }      AIM: bdesham 1 2 8
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