Am 14.11.2016 um 14:43 schrieb Urs Liska:
> Am 13.11.2016 um 21:44 schrieb Thomas Morley:
>> 2016-11-13 15:45 GMT+01:00 Urs Liska <>:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm trying to build something like similar to an automated harmonic
>>> display on two staves, and it seems that alternative note head styles
>>> break the cross staff stems:
>>> ...
>> Hi Urs,
>> cross-staff Stems are only printed if certain conditions are fullfilled.
>> One of them is the Stem's left edge are within a range 0.001
>> -> `close-enough?' in music-functions.scm
>> In a recent thread I developed `pushNC' to force the Stems doing so.
>> Works here as well:
>> ...
>> HTH,
>>   Harm
> Thank you, this indeed works well for my purpose, I'll soon share the
> results.
> The next step would be to have two notes connect their stems when *not*
> in different staves, e.g.
> \new Staff {
>   <<
>     {
>       \voiceOne
>       g''4 -\harmonic
>     }
>     \new Voice {
>       \voiceOne
>       c'4
>     }
>   >>
> }
> It seem crossStaff doesn't support this. But OTOH it may be simple to
> calculate the lower stem's length in this case (as opposed to real cross
> staff where you don't know the staff distance).
> Urs

For reference and for the curious the current state of the result can be
seen here:
The package this is in is not actually usable yet as it's still a
construction site. But there will be proper example files available and
the paper for which I'm actually doing this right now.

As a first impression the attached output is generated from the
following input (using the package) (note that the constant change of
display options is not what one would do in real-world scores but
intends to show how the output con easily be configured and reconfigured):

\score {
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff = "one" {

      \new Staff = "two"  {
        \clef bass
        \setOption #'harmonic
        \setOption ##t
        \setOption ##t
        \jiNote c, 2 7/1
        \setOption ##f
        \jiNote 4 6/1
        \setOption ##t
        \setOption ##f
        \setOption ji.conf.use-cross-staff ##f
        \jiNote 5/1
        \change Staff = "one"
        \jiNote c' 2 7/4
        \setOption ##t
        \setOption ##f
        \jiNote d' 3/2
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