\version "2.19.48"

\language "english"

<< { d'4 b'2.\rest }
   { b1 }
The above bar occurs in a piece I have set in Lilypond and that I am
currently correcting.

The crotchet d in the upper voice and the semibreve b in the lower
appear to be vertically aligned at their left edges, and not at their

To me, this looks ugly and wrong, and although she does not state it in
words, Elaine Gould would apparently think the same judging from the
illustration in her description of the semibreve (page 10 of "Behind

I have never noticed this mis-alignment before, probably because I have
not had a passage which makes it so obvious.  Or perhaps it is
something that has crept into Lilypond at some recent stage.

Is this alignment intentional?


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