Thank you for this useful test project!
Also just for fun and comparison,
on my Mac mini (2.3 GHz i7, 16 GB RAM) running OSX 10.9.5 and LilyPond 2.18.2 
it took 2:41, 2:30, or 4:47 min

Greetlings, Hraban

Am 2016-11-17 um 03:24 schrieb Vaughan McAlley <>:

> Greetings,
> My 2008 iMac is reaching the end of its useful life, and I would like to 
> replace it with some kind of desktop computer that runs Debian. Given that a 
> significant proportion of my time on this new computer will be compiling 
> Lilypond files, I was wondering which specs I should be prioritizing.
> I’ve included a large project if anyone with a newish computer would like to 
> test their compilation time. The main file is It takes my computer 
> between 4 and 5 minutes to compile.
> Cheers,
> Vaughan
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