Hi Mike and Joram,

On 19 November 2016 at 21:06, Mike Solomon <m...@mikesolomon.org> wrote:

> One thing I've used in the past for this sort of thing are Scheme
> functions, specifically file-exists? .
> https://www.gnu.org/software/mit-scheme/documentation/mit-
> scheme-ref/File-Manipulation.html
> Another solution is to use some sort of top-level compilation script in
> bash or python, which is how i manage style sheets for large scores (I
> generate temporary ly files on the fly).


Since lilypond uses Guile 1.8 and not MIT Scheme, you may be better off
looking here for file system functions:


[Although I myself often derive useful inspiration from looking at other
Scheme implementations.]


Exceptions are not built in to Scheme but you can implement them in a
library yourself with continuations if you are keen.

For example:


This is not particularly trivial stuff, but it works. In general though
functional programmers tend to avoid exception style coding, for a long
list of reasons. But that's another story and probably another separate
mailing list (lilypond-scheme anybody :-)).

As to actually implementing exceptions around lilypond code, I have not
tried it so I cannot fully answer your question.

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