2016-11-30 12:03 GMT+01:00 Emrecan <emre...@ttmail.com>:
> http://termiyeci.name.tr/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Gecti_Sevdalarla.pdf
> Bar numbers: 20,  21, 22
> .....
>       { c,8([bfc]) bfc16([a]) a4 a'16[gb fc gb] a8 |}
>   }
>       { a4 b8 c16[b a8] a16[gb fc e] fc8 | }
>       { b8([a]) gb gb16([fc fc e]) e4 r8 |
> .....
> fc must only koma-sharp. Not together with sharp.

(You probably meant "Not together with natural" here.)

\set Staff.extraNatural = ##f
should help.

You can also use
\layout {
  \context {
    extraNatural = ##f
which applies the setting to all staves in a score.

See second code snippet in

Best wishes.

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