On 11/30/2016 09:19 AM, John Roper wrote:

I added a small shadow to the boxes, and I fixed some coloring of
links. You may have to force-refresh the page to see the changes (CTRL
+ F5)

Hi John, Overall, I like it and I think it's an improvement over what we currently have. The responsive design for smaller screens is a big improvement. There are some minor adjustments that I might suggest, but no show stoppers. I'll just mention a couple things at this point.

I like the sans-serif. Verdana and Tahoma are sans fonts designed for screens (rather than print) that are widely installed on different OSes. There may be others. So it might be worth trying these instead of Arial which was designed for print.

I actually liked your earlier version (with the flatter look) better than the one with the drop shadows. To me the shadows make the page look more asymmetrical and boxy in a distracting way. (Just one opinion.)

I've put up some screenshots to make it possible to compare those two versions:

  http://clairnote.org/  lilypond-screenshots/

(Just remove the two spaces in the URL, added here to prevent crawling/indexing by search engine bots.)

When you get a chance it would be interesting to see how other pages would look. And eventually I assume we'd want to convert your HTML to texinfo to integrate with the current setup.

Thanks again for your work on this,

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