Dear Phil,

On 30 November 2016 at 16:47, Phil Holmes wrote:
> I think the use of  \context is getting the vertical spacing engine
> confused.  I _think_ my attached version of your music does what you want -
> it would seem to point in the right direction, at the very least.

I changed your document slightly and rearranged it in the way I want it.

But the problem is still present. So no, it doesn't seem to fix it.

I need a horizontally aligned list of button labels / fingerings. Most
of the time I need two labels, but every so often I need three or four
(when a chord consists of three or four pitches).

I would prefer to use something like the following (please excuse me,
the syntax is not functional, but it should demonstrate what I want):

    <f-\x{"B4"} a-\x{"B5"}>4
    <f-\x{"B4"} a-\x{"B5"} c'-\x{"B6"}>4

Here's a working syntax (demonstrating the problem / why I cannot use it):

  \score {
    \fixed c' {
      % looks almost perfect, but I'm unable to use anything but simple numbers
      f4-4 <f-4 a-5> <f-4 a-5 c'-6> f-4
      % proper text, but horrible output
      <f a>^\markup{\column{"B5" "B4"}}
      <f a c'>^\markup{\column{"B6" "B5" "B4"}}

But this doesn't work: I'm unable to align it horizontally. That's the
reason why I'm currently misusing lyrics.

(Mis)using lyrics is both tedious and error-prone (if I change "c8"
into "c16 c" somewhere, then all the labels are screwed up and I have
to go through the tedious work of finding and fixing the labels at the
right place).

Your example works because you move the third and the fourth line. I
need them aligned above the first and second line though, even if it's
usually empty.


> Hi,
> I'm also attaching a "quasi-minimal" example (if a full page may even
> be called "minimal").
> Mojca
> (please CC me)
> On 30 November 2016 at 12:06, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would like to ask for a bit of a guidance. I sometimes end up with
>> the scores as you see in the attachment. There's simply not enough
>> vertical space between staves and text is overlapping very badly.
>> I can attach the complete example (or perhaps come up with some
>> "\repeat unfold ..." trick to compose a full page that more or less
>> reproduces the problem), but it's basically the same type of scores as
>> I used anywhere else in
>> On the example in the screenshot you see the following elements in one
>> stave:
>> - button names are two lines of Lyrics attached on top of the melody
>> - Voice with the main melody
>> - accordion push spanner
>> - RhythmicStaff
>> - FiguredBass
>> I didn't even try to touch the spacing inside the scores. The only
>> part where the code is messing up with vertical spacing is here:
>> in accordionPushSpannerEngraver (written by David Nalesnik) which is
>> something that I don't fully understand myself. But in theory it
>> should not affect distances between different staves, it should only
>> control the distance between main melody, push spanner event and the
>> basses.
>> I was looking at
>> -
>> -
>> etc. and found some ugly workarounds to fix the problem (I can create
>> a manual page break; add artificial invisible marks; increase the
>> spacing between staves – which will result in too big space even when
>> I don't have any button names / lyrics above the melody and that looks
>> ugly; ...), but I wonder if this issue with vertical spacing is:
>> (a) a bug in lilypond
>> (b) a bug in the code that handles accordion push events
>> (c) something that's super difficult to fix anywhere and I should be
>> using workarounds anyway
>> I can provide more information if needed, but I'll need a bit more
>> guidance.
>> Thank you,
>>     Mojca

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