On 30/12/16 22:10, David Wright wrote:
> I don't know whether the OP likes change or not, except that they are
> certainly making a big change going from <unknown OS> to linux.
> It just seemed to me that your posts were expressing negative prejudices
> about OSes you don't get on with. I guess I couldn't see that perhaps
> you were just trying to indicate the spectrum that is available in
> OSes, DEs, WMs, etc.

I was simply stating the facts as I see them - and sometimes people ARE
prejudiced for no apparent reason. I did try to make it clear they were
my personal prejudices. (And I can't explain why - that's why it's a
prejudice, not a balanced opinion :-)

At the end of the day, it's not "one size fits all", and if the OP loves
Ubuntu, then great. But if he doesn't, then there are other options out

(It happens to me reasonably often that someone comes up to me and
they're desperate for me to use this wonder product that they've found -
and they're oblivious that I've already tried - and discarded - it
because it just did not work for me. It's mostly a female thing,
actually. But here everyone was pushing Ubuntu - they very often do -
and what if the OP's reaction to it was the same as mine?)


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