On Sat 31 Dec 2016 at 13:36:15 (+0200), Risto Vääräniemi wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm porting a project I made on 2.11 to 2.19 and every now and then I
> encounter some things that worked with the old version but not anymore with
> the new one.
> The most recent one is the behaviour of the LyricExtender in the alternate
> endings. In 2.11 you could fool the system to add the an empty extender by
> adding \markup { "" } in the lyrics but that does not work anymore with
> 2.19. The current manual *) suggests adding underscores manually but that
> is an ugly workaround especially if the passage in the alternative ending
> is long (as I have in the real world example).
> Is there any way to do this more dynamically?

I find the definition

nbsp = \markup \char ##x00A0

useful in many situations where you want "nothing".
It avoids the effect of making the previous note into the
start of a melisma, which writing   " "   can do.

The override extends the extender to the left, which makes it a bit
clearer what it is doing there. Adjust the -2 to taste.

\version "2.19.49"
% \version "2.11.65"

music = \relative c' \new Voice = "music" {
  \repeat volta 2 { c4 c c c ~ }
  \alternative {{ c2 c }{
    c2\repeatTie a4( c) }} \bar "|."

nbsp = \markup \char ##x00A0

words = \lyricmode {
  Da da da dah __ da
  \once \override LyricText.X-offset = #-2
  \nbsp __ dum.

  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "music" \words

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