Sorry - I pressed "Send" too soon on my previous message, which
contains some nonsense.  Here is a more sensible version.

The piece I am setting has 4 bars of somewhat unorthodox notation.  My
best attempt at reproducing this is:

\version "2.19.48"

lv = \laissezVibrer
lvUp = \once \override LaissezVibrerTie.direction = #UP

\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff = "RH" \relative {
    \time 2/4
    \stemUp \tieUp b'8 ~ <\tweak RepeatTie.stencil ##f b fis d>4.\rt |
b8 ~ <b ais! g>4.\rt |
  \new Staff = "LH" \relative {
    \clef "bass" \time 2/4
    << { s8  <b fis d>4.\rt } \\
       { \tuplet 6/4 { \change Staff = RH b'='32\lv fis\lv d\lv
                       \change Staff = LH \lvUp b\lv \lvUp fis\lv d }
b4. } >>
    << { s8  <b'= ais! g>4.\rt } \\
       { \tuplet 6/4 { \change Staff = RH b'='32\lv ais\lv g\lv
                       \change Staff = LH \lvUp b,\lv \lvUp ais\lv g }
b,4. }>>
> > 
> > 

I am attaching a pdf of the output, but I'm not sure whether it will
make it through to the list.

The intention of the notation is clear, I think, but there are 2 things
wrong with this output.
1) There should not be a RepeatTie on the top note of the right-hand
chords, nor should there be a LaissezVibrerTie on the first note of the
2) In the second bar chord, the RepeatTie on the A# of the left hand
chord is too close to the RepeatTie on the G.  The best solution
here would be for the tie on the G to be inverted.
3) Also in the second bar the RepeatTie on the right hand A# needs to
curve downwards to match the LaissezVibrerTie on the earlier A#.  The
would look a bit strange, but probably not as strange as inverting the

I have experimented with the material at

I can certainly solve any problems with the LVTies using this snippet,
but my attempts to adapt it to produce something similar for RepeatTies
have not been successful.

Another approach would, of course, be to tie each note of the sextuplet
directly to the note in the following chord.  I have not tried this
because I don't know how it can be done.  Also I think that it might
look over-cluttered, and that the original notation is perhaps better.

Can anyone offer pointers or a solution?


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