I'd like to use partcombine to eliminate the two rests on each staff (vocal music), but I'm not getting it. This .ly file behaves the same with and without the \partcombine lines. Suggestions?
Lilypond 2.4.2 under cygwin. - James \layout { linewidth = 455.244096\pt } \version "2.4.0" \header { title = "Fum Fum Fum" arranger = "arr. Richmond" tagline = "OK Chorale / Version 1.2" pagenumber = no poet = "Spanish" } lyricsI = \lyricmode { On De- cem- ber five and twen- ty fum fum fum On De- cem- ber five and twen- ty fum fum fum In a _man- ger low- ly there was born this _night a lit- tle child. Of Ma- ry born, a- live this cold De- cem- ber five and twen- ty fum fum fum } lyricsII = \lyricmode { All the stars up in the sk- y fum fum fum All the stars up in the sk- y fum fum fum How they twin- kle light- ly, glit- ter bright- ly, danc- ing in the sky, "Fill the" night - - with won- der lit- tle stars that shine so bright- ly fum fum fum } lyricsIII = \lyricmode { Lit- tle birds out in the for- est fum fum fum Lit- tle birds out in the for- est fum fum fum Leave your ber- ries tas- ty bright and red and come and sing your song "Fill the" night - - with your singing lit- tle birds out in the for- est fum fum fum } sopMusic = \relative c'' { \repeat volta 3 { a8. gis16 a8 c b a gis e a4 gis a s a8. gis16 a8 c b a gis e a4 gis a r8 g16 g % manger lowly there was born c8 c b b c c b b c c b b c4 r8 b16 c \time 3/4 d8. c16 b8. a16 gis8 e a gis a c b a gis e a4 gis a r } } altoMusic = \relative c' { \repeat volta 3 { e8. e16 e8 a gis e e b c4 b c s e8. e16 e8 a gis e e b c4 b c r8 g'16 g % manger lowly there was born e8 e f f e e f f e e f f e4 r8 e \time 3/4 f8. f16 f8. f16 e8 e \time 4/4 e e e e d d e b c4 b c r } } trebRests = \relative c'' { \repeat volta 3 { s8. s16 s8 s s s s s s4 s s r } } bassRests = \relative c'' { \repeat volta 3 { s1 s2 s4 r4 } } tenorMusic = \relative c' { \repeat volta 3 { c8. b16 c8 e d c b gis a4 b c s c8. b16 c8 e d c b gis a4 b c r8 g16 g % manger lowly there was born g8 g g g g g g g g g g g g4 r8 b8 \time 3/4 b8. b16 b8. b16 b8 b \time 4/4 c b c c b c d b a4 b c r } } bassMusic = \relative c { \repeat volta 3 { a8. a16 a8 a a a e e a'4 e a, s a8. a16 a8 a a a e' e a4 e a, r8 g'16 g % manger lowly there was born c,8 c g' g c, c g' g c, c g' g c,4 r8 c8 \time 3/4 d8. e16 f8. f16 e8 e \time 4/4 a e a, b16 c d8 d d e a4 e a, r } } hiNotes = \relative c' { \partcombine \sopMusic \altoMusic } lowNotes = \relative c' { \partcombine \tenorMusic \bassMusic } #(set-global-staff-size 17.82) % #(set-global-staff-size 22.45) % #(set-global-staff-size 25.2) \score { \context ChoirStaff << \context Staff = "women" << \partcombine \context Voice = "sopranos" { \voiceOne \transpose c c \sopMusic } \context Voice = "altos" { \voiceTwo \transpose c c \altoMusic } >> \context Lyrics = "sopranos" { s1 } \context Lyrics = "altos" { s1 } \context Lyrics = "tenors" { s1 } \context Lyrics = "lyrI" \lyricsto sopranos \lyricsI \context Lyrics = "lyrII" \lyricsto sopranos \lyricsII \context Lyrics = "lyrIII" \lyricsto sopranos \lyricsIII \context Staff = "men" << \clef bass \partcombine \context Voice = "tenors" { \voiceOne \transpose c c \tenorMusic } \context Voice = "basses" { \voiceTwo \transpose c c \bassMusic } >> \context Lyrics = "basses" { s1 } >> \layout { \context { % a little smaller so lyrics can be closer to the staff. \Staff % minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 8) } } \midi { \tempo 4 = 100 } } _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user