Hi David, 

David Sumbler wrote
> How do I get the triplet demisemi and the quaver to share the same
> notehead?

it seems that the shift is caused by the invisible c notehead in your
temporary left hand voice:

\new Voice { \shiftOff \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
                    \hideNotes \stemUp s4.
                    \once \override TupletNumber.stencil = ##f
                    \tuplet 3/2 { c32~ g~ b~ } s16 < b g c> } 

Replacing it by s32 prevents the shift. 
I would prefer to work with less additional voices, e.g.:

\version "2.19.48"

\language "english"

lv = \laissezVibrer

\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff = "RH" {
    \set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t
    \time 2/4 <<
        e''2\arpeggio | s8
      \new Voice {
        \shiftOff \stemDown
        < b' g'>4\arpeggio ~ \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
        \stemUp \tuplet 12/8 {
          <b' g'>32 b'\lv g'\lv e'\lv
          \change Staff = LH b\lv g\lv
          c g b
          \change Staff = RH e'_~ g'
        } |
        <e'' b' e'>8-.
    \oneVoice <ds'' b' a' fs'>8-. <e'' b' g' e'>4\fermata \bar "||" |
  \new Staff = "LH" {
    \clef "bass" \time 2/4
        \shiftOff <g e c>4\arpeggio ~ \stemDown q8\noBeam
        \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
        c8*1/6~ \hideNotes g8*1/6~ b8*1/6~ s16 \unHideNotes <c g b>8-.
    \oneVoice < b b,>8-. < b e>4\fermata |


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