Bruce Pike <> writes:

> I'm having difficulty getting midi generation to recognize tied notes.  For
> the score below, when I play the midi output the notes sound as individual
> eighth notes rather than as tied notes.
> \version "2.18.2" \language "english"
> music = \relative c {
>   \time 4/4 \key c \major
>   e'8 g( g) g( g) e( e) a |
> }
> \score {
>     \new Staff
>     {
>       \music
>     }
>   \layout { }
>   \midi { }
> }

Those aren't ties but slurs.  Big difference.  Take a look at the last
line of
there in the middle two bars you have a sequence of slurs in a passage
over two strings (D string and A string) where the first of two
sixteenth notes is fingered on the D string and the second on the
A string.  Obviously you would not want to play a~a (a tie, namely just
a single note) for those instances where two a appear in succession but
rather a( a) like with the other two-note two-string occurences.

So the difference between ties and slurs is important.  A slur indicates
execution without pause but two separate notes.  A tie indicates a
single note that has its value split for notational reasons.

David Kastrup

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