Hi David,

to combine those two commands, you should wrap them in one music-function:

tocMark =
#(define-music-function (mup)(markup?)
     \tocItem $mup
     \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #LEFT
     \mark $mup

%%% test

\markup \left-column \table-of-contents

\relative {
  bes'4 a c b \tocMark "Part 1"
  bes4 a c b \tocMark "Part 2"
  bes4 a c b \tocMark "Part 3"
  bes4 a c b \tocMark "Part 4"
  bes4 a c b

That way you can change the appearance of the toc-items and the rehearsalmarks in one place.


Am 01.02.2017 um 22:03 schrieb David Sumbler:
I want to have a table of contents with the titles of sections of a
piece and the relevant page numbers.

In pieces I have set previously, the title of each movement was placed
centrally over the first line of the score/part for that movement.  I
set the variable "piece" in the header for each movement, and defined
scoreTitleMarkup to get the result I wanted.

The piece I am currently working on is a single score, but with 6 songs
which follow each other more or less continuously.  I want the title of
each song to appear above the top line of the score at the start of
each song; in most cases this will probably not be at the start of a

I thought that I could do this by inserting the title as a text mark,
e.g. \mark \markup { \fontsize #2 \bold "Title of song" }, with an
override to left-align the title.

This works as intended, but if I then put \tocItem before \mark
Lilypond complains that \tocItem has to be followed by markup; if I put
\tocItem after \mark Lilypond complains that \mark has to be followed
by markup.

Is there a way this can be made to work?  Or how else might I get the
desired result?


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