Hi all,

I have to bump this as the deadline is somewhat approaching and I need
some feedback.

We have by now a nice set of project proposals online, but there are
some projects without a mentor yet. Basically what is needed is at least
one more mentor who feels comfortable mentoring someone to work on the
underlying document representation stuff (the "music tree").

But while this is *important* it is absolutely *required* that we will
have a second organization admin. Without that we can't even apply.
Really, this is an opportunity to support Frescobaldi development for
those who don't feel able to contribute any code, so please step up and
volunteer. I don't expect this to be overwhelming with workload, please
see below in my original post for some more details.


Am 31.01.2017 um 12:06 schrieb Urs Liska:
> Hi all,
> we decided to apply for this year's Google Summer of Code program with
> Frescobaldi. We don't expect the chances to be accepted very high, but
> it's probably worth the effort. It would give the chance to get more
> GSoC slots for the wider LilyPond cause, so it's definitely a good thing.
> In order to complete our application we need a few items *until Feb. 9
> (next Thursday)*, and I would be very happy to see concrete support from
> this community:
> 1)
> It is an absolute requisite that we have a second "org admin".
> Org admins are responsible for communication between the project and
> Google. I think both Google and the project will hold them "accountable"
> for that. In addition they promise to be available and reliably
> responsive over the whole project period (i.e. from now on until late
> October) (obviously that doesn't rule out any vacancies ...).
> Furthermore they'll have to do some paperwork and possibly channel some
> money, for example for reimbursing mentors going to the mentors' summit.
> This would be an ideal task for someone interested in actively
> supporting Frescobaldi/LilyPond development who doesn't feel capable of
> doing actual programming. This is a completely administrative task.
> I can't say how much work it will be, but given the (lack of) size of
> the organization I can't imagine it's a lot.
> 2)
> As part of the application we have to submit a number of potential
> project mentors who have volunteered. Therefore it is crucial to gather
> that information right now.
> On https://github.com/wbsoft/frescobaldi/wiki/Google-Summer-of-Code I've
> drafted a project idea's list similar to the one on lilypond.org. This
> is very much open for discussion and extension.
> So I ask anyone who can imagine mentoring a student for a Frescobaldi
> project to have a look at that list, consider the options with the
> proposed projects, feel free to suggest other projects you may prefer
> mentoring.
> From last year's experience I know that it is difficult to get together
> a team of potential mentors, so *please* take this call seriously and
> consider joining the effort. Also from last year's experience I can say
> that mentoring *does* take its time but it's definitely a worthwile
> thing to do.
> Best
> Urs


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