>>> Just for the record: With Firefox on Linux there's *no* problem.
>>Indeed, sigh.  This is one of the reasons I don't like working with
>>HTML.  Hopefully Blended can be improved to completely hide such
>>issues for Joe User.
> I assume this doesn't have anything to do with Blender (or the site
> generator in general) but the used CSS.  So it's something to be
> fixed on that level.

Yep.  I was tagging the whole HTML generation chain as `Blended'
(*not* `Blender', BTW), which is a simplification.

>> These are the instructions to install `Blended' itself.  This is
>> not what I'm looking for.  What I want is the explicit command line
>> that I have to call to convert the input data in the git repository
>> to the output html, where to expect the output files, etc., so that
>> I can actually try to generate the output by myself.
> I *assume* if you'd run blended --help it will give you that
> information,

I guess so too, but...

> although I'd think that at least the command to build the site
> should be directly included in the "Running" section of the README.

this is *exactly* what I have expected to see.


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