Federico Bruni <f...@inventati.org> writes:

> Hi Julien
> This is another (simpler) way. I've commented with % what is not needed:
> \version "2.19.54"
> %\include "predefined-guitar-fretboards.ly"
> myChords = \relative {
>  \set minimumFret = #3
>  <g, d' g b d g>1
> }
> <<
>  \new ChordNames {
>    \chordmode { g1 }
>  }
>  \new FretBoards {
>    %\set FretBoards.minimumFret = #3
>    \myChords
>  }
>  \new TabStaff {
>    %\set TabStaff.minimumFret = #3
>    \myChords
>  }

Thanks, for your suggestion. I had tried something similar but I need to
define new Chordname for each root note. I thought it could be
calculated by lilypond once the list of intervalls has been specified
along with the strings to play them with.


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