On 24 February 2017 at 13:47, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> Hi,
> A while ago David Nalesnik wrote some wonderful macros to help me
> write a thick line that denote accordion pushing [1]. The macros work
> wonderfully in 99% of cases, but there are some strange examples where
> this fails.
> The example below produces output you can see in the attached PNG. If
> I remove "AccordionPushPull", then the scores typeset fine, but I do
> need those events.
> I tried several other strategies. All I need is a small chunk of code
> with different properties (tails pointing in different direction,
> perhaps the size or colour of the scores slightly changed to denote
> optional part for the player, ...). But whatever I try that works in
> normal conditions, fails here.
> I'm attaching a "minimal" working example that includes David's code
> (which I left untouched).
> melody = \fixed c' {
>   \time 3/4
>   \partial 2
>   \startPush d' e' | \stopPush
>   << { f'4 e' d' | f'4 d'2 | } \\ { <f a>2.~ | <f a>2. | } >>
> }
> basses = \fixed c {
>   \clef bass
>   \partial 2
>   f,4 <f a c'> | d,4 <d f a> <d f a> | a,4 <d f a> <d f a> |
> }
> \score {
>   \new PianoStaff <<
>     \new Voice = "melody" { \melody }
>     \new AccordionPushPull \with {
>       \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing.padding = 1
>     } {
>       \melody
>     }
>     \new Staff = "staff" <<
>       \new Voice = "bass" { \basses }
>     >>
>   >>
> }
> I would be grateful for a bit of help to fix this.

I just wanted to add another screenshot. If I change the above line of melody to

      \voiceOne f'4 e' d' | f'4 d'2 |
    \new Voice {
      \voiceTwo <f a>2.~ | <f a>2. |

then I get the attached screenshot which is "equally" bad, only in a
different way.)

The example was taken from

The first example with "\\" as voice separator has the additional
problem that I cannot add lyrics to it (which is not acceptable), but
this one repeats the second voice which is highly undesirable.

Thank you,

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