Hi Orm,

Use voices. Here's a rough outline answer sketched out quickly, without
seeing the publication you refer to.

Basically you can only tie across notes in the same voice, so that clues
you in as to the way to set such music.


== snip

\score {
  \new Staff \with { tieWaitForNote = ##t } {
    \clef "bass"
    \key e \major
    \time 3/8

          e'4. ~ 4 s8 \stemDown
        \new Voice

          s4 b8 ^~ |
          \stemUp b4 \stemDown b,8 ^~ |
          \stemUp b,4. ^~ |
          b,4. |
        \new Voice
          s4. |
          \once \override NoteColumn.ignore-collision = ##t
          e4. ^~ |
          e4. |
        \new Voice
          s4. |
          e4 s8 |
          e,4 b,,8 ^~ |
          b,,4. |

== snip
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