On Sat, 25 Feb 2017, Rob Torop wrote:
> 13 chord would be rendered as C13 in Ignatzek notation. My question is - is
> there a way for me to omit the "9" in the chord name?  My experience is

There's no "9" in the chord name "C13", so what are you really asking?

Do you want to enter a chord name and get a C13 chord with no ninth (or,
presumably, eleventh) in it - that is, the notes C E G Bb A?  In that
case, try
  \chordmode { c:13^9 }
This is also the same thing as a
seventh chord with added thirteenth, so you could use
  \chordmode { c:7.13 }

Do you want to change the input syntax so that
  \chordmode { c:13 }
will have the same effect currently achieved by
  \chordmode { c:13^9 }
If so, that's probably a bad idea and it's unlikely anyone here will be
eager to help you do it.  You'd have to go find whatever code parses
input in chord mode, and hack that.  This would break compatibility
between your customized version of LilyPond and files created to use
chord mode with the released version.

Do you want to enter these notes, by whatever means, and have the chord
name that is displayed by a ChordNames context be "C13" and not something
else, in particular, not mentioning the ninth?  (The default naming
scheme seems to be "C7 13".)  In that case, you can use a chord name
exception as described at

Matthew Skala
msk...@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca                 People before principles.
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