Scoutladen - Ralph Fröhlich <> writes:

> Hi,
> hope to find some informations here about reading error messages
> Example:
> Processing `.../'
> Parsing...
> .../ error: unrecognized string, not in text script or 
> \lyricmode
>   fis8 fis fis fis d d d4 g (
>                              h) h h8 h8
> .../ error: unrecognized string, not in text script or 
> \lyricmode
>   fis8 fis fis fis d d d4 g (h)
>                                 h h8 h8
> Where can I find a short description?

It's just filename:linenumber:columnnumber: errormessage

and then the offending line, split into two just at the offending
location.  In your case, the first occurences of h are flagged since h
is not part of the default note language.

Maybe this particular error message should be "`h' is not a notename"
instead.  It's nice that the string would be allowed in a text script or
\lyricmode, but if someone writes

blabla = \new Lyrics { Shall I com- pare thee to a summer's day? }

the error message "`Shall' is not a note name" is probably clue enough
about what is happening.

Namely we should say what is wrong _here_ rather than mentioning where
it could be right.

David Kastrup

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