
I often have repeated segments of music where the first time the
segment is played piano and the second time it is played forte.

I define segments with

    melodyA = \fixed c' { c4 e g | ... }

and then

    melody = { \melodyA \melodyB \melodyA }

Is there any way that I could write something like

    melody = {
        \makethispiano \melodyA
        \makethisforte \melodyA

To avoid having to split the segment and write

    melodyA = \fixed c' { e4 g | ... }
    melody = {
        c4\p \melodyA
        c4\f \melodyA

This is particularly problematic because I usually add those marks
later and would then need to modify the scores in weird ways to
achieve the desired effect.

I guess I could use conditional variables, but I would prefer if I
could just add some kind of markup, even if it's eventually placed at
the bar.

Thank you,

(Please CC me.)

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