Well, let's think about this.

Sheet music, which I prefer to call sheet premusic, was developed over 
centuries to be comfortably written by hand. In the year 2017, premusic is 
encoded into a computer via really complicated file formats like MusicXML or 
Lilypond designed to describe sheet premusic written on paper exactly as it has 
been for centuries. There's no simple way to fully describe sheet music, 
because it isn't optimized for the computer environment. MusicXML and Lilypond 
are the .docx and .odt of the field, if you will, and Sibelius and Finale are 
Microsoft Words - where is the notepad.exe? There is none, because no 
equivalent of the .txt file format of full competence has been made. I'll look 
at all relevant formats here:


I have nothing to say about Lilypond. Sheet music will always exist and always 
be used, and it is important that there exist a free file format like Lilypond 
for computer composition of sheet music. I simply think there needs to be a 
competent plaintext option, and there is none.


MusicXML is especially odd to me... In an XHTML document, what comes after a 
<p>? Who knows? It could be an <img>, a <div>, anything. In music, what comes 
after a note? Another note - or a space where a note should be. Music is 
plainly linear where XML is not optimized for linear information. XML may seem 
the most obvious choice for an 'industry standard' file format for many things, 
but it is an unwise solution here.

In any case, it's not something you'd compose in a text editor.

ABC notation

T:The Legacy Jig
GFG BAB | gfg gab | GFG BAB | d2A AFD |
GFG BAB | gfg gab | age edB |1 dBA AFD :|2 dBA ABd |:
efe edB | dBA ABd | efe edB | gdB ABd |
efe edB | d2d def | gfe edB |1 dBA ABd :|2 dBA AFD |]

ABC is simple, likely quickly intelligible by most everyone with a music theory 
background, but it is a shorthand form of musical notation. This already 
implies it is lacking in some way: namely, it lacks the perfect and intuitive 
vertical extensibility of Premusic.

GUIDO notation:

[ \clef<"treble"> \key<"D"> \meter<"4/4">
 a1*1/2 b a/4. g/8 f#/4 g a/2 b a/4. g/8 f#/4 g
 a/2 a b c#2/4 d c#/2 b1 a/1 ]

GUIDO is simple, but not quite as quickly intelligible without explanation as 
ABC or my format. GUIDO lacks the perfect and intuitive extensibility of my 
format, and isn't nearly as easy on the eyes.


MIDI is not plaintext, where plaintext would suffice. It is a black mark for a 
file not to be legible in a text editor. It's more code before any software 
dealing with it can be functional.


These are the first measures of Beethoven's Fifth in premusic.

Symphony no. 5 (Page 1)
#!sh  key=Cm



Violin I

Violin II




My format is intelligible to anyone with a music theory background, with 
minimal instruction besides perhaps to read pairs of characters rather than 
individual ones.

"rh"ythm - You need no background to pronounce "dadadaaa", and having done so, 
you will have conveyed to yourself a rhythm equivalent to two quarter notes and 
a half note in sheet music. Why therefore should one convey rhythm in any other 
way than a formalized "da" proportional in length to the length of the note 
(necessarily, then, a square character)? Note that measures without many fast 
notes are subject to collapse - ||da|| is a single note as long as a measure.

"pi"tch - As a musician, you recognized the note names, and you likely 
recognized the scientific pitch notation I built upon as well. Scientific pitch 
notation permits for all the natural notes in a single square character. I 
simply lowercase the letter for a flat a4 and uppercase the digit for an A$ (A4 

Extensibility speaks for itself. Premusic invites extensibility from the start, 
in the most obvious conceivable manner. Every column of squares can be 
elaborated on by putting more information above it. There's nothing like it.

I have actually identified a fully-fledged and perfectly vertically extensible 
plaintext method of displaying premusic. It looks to be compatible with even 
the most complicated music. It's very easy to read and compose using only a 
simple text editor, even though none are optimized for a parallel square 
environment yet.

That simply doesn't exist... But I made it. I have invented the perfect 
plaintext file format for premusic. Is there anything about music at all that 
couldn't be represented as one of the 8836 square characters available with two 
intuitive strokes of the keyboard everyone has? Besides lyrics - those are 
accounted for with stacking, as seen in "Happy Birthday".

Is there any fundamental change at all to be made to how I encode premusic that 
results in a smarter way than parallel squares?

Why don't I ask you to name a notation that does something that Parallel 
Squares could NOT do? Or, if I reversed the roles, and every tune on 
http://abcnotation.com were in my notation, and I approached, telling you about 
the ABC or GUIDO notation I invented, would you see any merit in it, or any 
real reason to implement ABC or GUIDO... Ever?

But in any case, I am not a programmer, and have never participated in the 
creation of free software. I seek only to release my format from the shell I 
had placed it in while I had been wanting to profit off of it. I would love any 
help or direction that I can be given. I don't even know where to start talking 
about it besides this mail list. Before you dismiss my format, and now that you 
have a sense for how it works, I implore you to at least try composing in a 
text editor, any piece of music, simple for now, to feel how natural it is. 
Think about what this could do - one could comfortably convey all the 
information conveyed by sheet music, using only notepad.exe. There's nothing 
like it.
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