Am 27.03.2017 um 11:45 schrieb Thomas Morley:
> 2017-03-27 11:38 GMT+02:00 Urs Liska <>:
>> Hi all,
>> I want to know if a given notehead has a stem attached. Obviously even
>> whole notes do have a stem object, but with zero extent.
>> I've found the following calculation to be reliable, but I can't imagine
>> it has to be so complicated:
>>     (if (or (= +inf.0 (car stem-y-extent))
>>             (= -inf.0 (car stem-y-extent))
>>             (= +inf.0 (cdr stem-y-extent))
>>             (= -inf.0 (cdr stem-y-extent)))
>> (with stem-y-extent being the Y-extent property of the stem object).
>> I think there should be some property I can ask directly about this? But
>> I didn't find any suspicious entry for Stem or stem-interface.
>> Any suggestions?
>> Urs
> interval-sane?
> exp.:
> (interval-sane? (ly:stencil-extent empty-stencil X))
> --> #f
> Maybe grob::is-live? may help as well, didn't test that.

Ah, no, but it brought me in the right direction. While

(ly:grob-object notehead 'stem) does give an object
(ly:grob-property stem 'stencil) => '()


> HTH,
>   Harm


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