
I'm looking for something like a "repeat slur".

Background: I'm typesetting a sheet of short repeatable patterns, each
separated by a double bar line. Some patterns use legato slurs across the

Minimal example:

\score {
% first pattern
<g c' e'>2 ) <a c' f'> ( | <g c' e'>2 ) <a c' f'> (
\bar "||"

% second pattern
c'4 d' e' f' % ...

This minimal example has errors, of course, but I've tried to express what
I mean here. I've tried several approaches, but two problems occur:

1. The slur extends across the double bar line, ie into the next pattern;
2. If I use a tie instead of a slur, each note of the chords gets a tie.

Any suggestions appreciated.

many thanks
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