Hello everybody,
once again I find myself typesetting ancient music, which poses special
challenges with regard to separation of content and presentation. Right
now, I’m talking about the fact that bar lines are an editor’s decision
and not part of the musical content – different editors might place bar
lines after a breve, a semibreve, none at all, or only inbetween staves.
This means amongst others that in order to use the same music source for
different editions, it should not be hardcoded which rests are MMRs and
which aren’t. Also, I don’t think there’s any ambiguity in the following
translation: Every rest which fills one or more entire bars should be
treated as a MMR by the typesetting engine.
Thus, I would like to deliver a plea to perspectively abolish the
distinction between r and R in LilyPond source code and have the
engravers handle the difference.
This would also get us rid of one possibility to make mistakes in engraving.
I had this idea right now and it feels too convincing to me to actually
be as good as it seems. Hence I’d love to hear your opinions. What
complications are there (aside from the effort of implementation) that I
fail to see?
Best, Simon
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