Kieren MacMillan <> writes:

> Hi David,
>> Completion_rest_engraver is there.
> Ah! Sorry I didn’t think to look. I guess this thread made me assume
> it must not exist.
>> It doesn't change r into R.
> So this is the point of discussion/contention?
> Okay, so…
> { \time 5/8 c''8*12 }
> \score {
>     { \time 5/8 c''8*12 }
>     \layout {
>         \context {
>             \Voice
>             \remove "Note_heads_engraver"
>             \consists "Completion_heads_engraver"
>         }
>     }
> }
> Here, the engraver properly turns the *12 into two full measures of
> note-duration plus whatever’s left over (i.e., a quarter). If there
> existed a note-head equivalent of R (i.e., “a full measure of
> note-duration, regardless of time signature”), would we not want
> Completion_heads_engraver to use it? (I certainly would!) So how is
> the rest situation different?

Shrug.  Giving Completion_heads_engraver some additional option where it
produces full-measure rests rather than normal rests would be more in
line of being a feasible option.  Though producing compressible
full-measure rests might be rather involved.

Using Completion_rest_engraver does change the semantics.  Exactly
because of dubious semantics there is the context property
completionFactor that is used for determining just what subset of
durations will actually be dealt with usefully.

The engraver is of the "convenient but flawed by design, use at your own
danger" variety that only makes sense as an explicitly user-enabled
option for particular typesetting purposes.  The full-measure rest thing
would fit that engraver and its niche as another option.

David Kastrup

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