Simon Albrecht <> writes:

> Am 19.04.2017 um 05:00 schrieb Andrew Bernard:
>> it is a very longstanding tradition that open source projects are
> very modest in numbering releases, compared to commercial companies,
> As a contrary example: the version numbers that Mozilla uses nowadays
> seem completely ludicrous.
> By the way, there have been different plans as to when LilyPond 3
> should be released. At one time, it was supposed to follow the GLISS,
> which was sort-of called off. Now I think one condition would be a
> solution to the Guile v2 problem (be it even forking 1.8 or similar)
> and fixing the critical issues currently present.

That does not call for more than LilyPond 2.20.

LilyPond 3 could be a rework of the optimization engine doing away with
the hard pure/unpure distinction.

David Kastrup

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