Am 24.04.2017 um 03:35 schrieb Margaret Voorhaar:
I have written a flute  melody which is is complete at 32 bars in length. Is it 
too late to integrate a second flute part beneath this?

There is no problem at all with that, you can make every change to your score that you like :-)
But how?
Normally, you would save the music for the first flute in a variable, i.e. instead of just writing

\relative c'' {

on top-level in the file (that means, not enclosed in any \score or other section)
you write

fluteOne = \relative c'' {

and later you can reference that using \fluteOne.
The second flute part is just entered the same way:

fluteTwo = \relative c'' {

Now it comes to combining the two. LilyPond has two ways of combining music expressions: {} combines them _sequentially_ and <<>> combines them _simultaneously_. So all you need after defining those two variables with the music is:


If you want to really get into using LilyPond and lay a proper foundation, the Learning Manual is an absolute must-read. You can find it at <>, and it really covers all you need for a basic understanding of how to use LilyPond and also where to find information. Read it completely, and try to understand it well :-) I know from experience that starting with LilyPond can be tough at times, and often that comes from overlooking things that are described in the Learning Manual, sometimes even details that make a big difference. But it pays off :-)

Happy LilyPonding and all the best,

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