I read the documentation on unfolding volta repeats in midi output. Combined with the recent discussion on scheme functionality, I got the following idea:

Could it be possible to write a scheme function that evaluates to "volta" when evaluating the music for layout and that evaluates to "unfold" to when evaluating music for midi output? Can I then use that function to write something like:
\repeat #unfold-midi 2 { c''4 }

Where should I begin? Which music properties are involved?
something like: (out of the hat via the keyboard to the list)
(defun unfold-midi()
"evaluates to \"unfold\" for midi output and to \"volta\" for paper output."
(if (in-midi-p)

But then in guile / scheme instead of elisp and using the correct key-words.


A marriage is always made up of two people who are prepared to swear that only the other one snores.

-- (Terry Pratchett, The Fifth Elephant)

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