Hi Matthew (et al.),

> I'm describing what I have seen on the list.  Users frequently come here
> to ask "When I typed this chord symbol, why was something else engraved?".
> They do not ask that about single notes.

Demonstrably untrue. I’ve witnessed and been involved in *lots* of discussions 
where users type one thing and get another and ask about it, \relative mode 
being only one obvious example. In fact, one might argue that *the vast 
majority* of the issues posted to this list would fall under the rubric “I 
typed X and expected Y but got Z instead — why?”.

> Wouldn't it be nice if it didn't happen?

Of course!

> What I see is a problem that really occurs, frequently, and could be solved 
> easily.

Do you have an actual, implementable suggestion that can be discussed? If so, I 
haven’t seen it yet — only vague “it would be nice”s.
And, of course “patches are always gratefully accepted”.

> And a resistance to solving it in the way that would work,
> because that solution would not also solve hypothetical problems that do
> not frequently occur

Which are those, exactly? Transposing chord names?


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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